2014 Hotline Success Case Study 4: Sales Force Education


A sales representative from Illinois contacted the GIRS InContact Reimbursement Line™ to obtain the product billing and diagnosis codes for a device / biologic combination so that she could relay them to an account.  The counselor informed this  caller that the helpline cannot provide diagnosis codes; it is the responsibility of the providers to make that determination. The counselor provided an overview of the approved Product coding.  The counselor asked for permission to speak directly with the account to discuss coding and provide supporting materials.  The counselor also advised the sales representative not to engage in reimbursement discussions with or provide any guarantees of coverage and payment to the accounts .  The outcome of this case was that we had a satisfied and educated sales representative who was grateful for the support and education.  The account now has a direct link to the helpline for their coding questions, assistance  with benefit verifications (BVs) and claims guidance.  Patient access and account retention were the positive outcomes of the service provided.